Philip and the Ethiopian Bible Story and Craft

Here’s a fun Bible Story idea about the story of Philip and the Ethiopian.  This story comes from Acts 8:26-40 .  Here’s a shortened version of the story: An angel of the Lord told Philip to go toward Gaza.  On his way, he met an Ethiopian who was reading a Bible scroll and didn’t understand.  Philip asked him if he wanted him to explain what he was reading.  He climbed into the chariot and explained that the passage was about Jesus dying on the cross to take the punishment for our sins.  The Ethiopian believed what he heard.  He believed that Jesus Christ is the son of God (vs. 37).  They were passing a body of water.  The Ethiopian wanted to be baptized.  Philip baptized him.

I used this craft in my Kindergarten Sunday School class and they loved it!!


This craft is sooo simple.  It uses an Arby’s Sauce packet and a water bottle.  That’s it!!  I tried many different types of ketchup packets, but I found the Arby’s Sauce packet worked the best for me.

Be sure the packet will float when you initially put it in the bottle.

Squeeze the bottle and the pressure makes the packet sink.  When you release it, he will float back up.

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